

You can now create Competitions with Smartwinnr. Create different teams and run a competition amongst them that runs across several months. Add multiple quizzes to a competition. The team scores in the Competition gets put up on the leaderboard. There can be multiple leaderboards for a Competition. You can also add team mascots for every team.

How can I create a competition?

Create New Competition

If you have the privilege to create Competitions, you will see the link Competitions under the Editor section of your left menu. Click on Create Competitions to create a new competition.

Add Name, Description, and Dates

Give a catchy name to your competition and add a description. Every competition has to have a start and end date. Click on Save.

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Add Quizzes to a Competition

The next step is to add quizzes to a competition.

Follow the steps to create a new quiz from Section Create New Quiz. You will see a new section called Quiz Competitions. Click on the Add button to add this quiz to a competition. You can also add an existing Quiz to a competition.

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This will add the Quiz to the competition:

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Add Teams to the Competition

Next, you can add multiple teams to this Competition. Select the different teams. These teams would need to be pre-defined within Smartwinnr in the form of Groups. Click on the button Add More Leaderboards to add more teams who would be participating in this competition.

Once you have added all the teams, click on Save button to save.

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Multiple Leaderboards in a Competition

There can be multiple leaderboards in a Competition.

Individual Leaderboard – This leaderboard gets created by default. It shows the relative rankings of all individuals from all teams who are participating in this competition. It takes into account the actual score of every individual.

Team-wise Leaderboard – There can also be team-wise leaderboards

How to edit competition?

Edit Competition

The editor who has created the competition can edit and make changes to the competition. If you want to give permission to someone else within your division to make changes to the competition, you can do so.

Go to List Competitions Select Competition Edit Can Be Edited  

Search and select the person to whom you want to give the access to edit this competition. Click on Save button.

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How to control the visibility of a competition?

Visibility of a Competition

A competition is visible to all editors from your division.